TCWG ebook

The TCWG ebook of the December Short Story contributors can be seen here on the Amazon Kindle site where you can briefly look inside it or buy it (£0.99). The rationale for proposing an ebook were given in my post On Going Digital, which was:

My purpose in this proposal is in finding a means of encouraging writers to submit entries to the monthly forum.

Where this may lead in terms of the group functionality is for the group to decide.

Having provided an example of a monthly short story collection in ebook form, any further action is a TCWG Short Stories Group decision. However there are a number of issues that  this exercise has raised should the group decide to go digital. Having carried out the exercise in producing an ebook these do not need to be raised until a group decision on going digital is  taken further. Until then my involvement in this ebook exercise is concluded.

I am grateful (once again) to the TCWG Group for giving me the motivation to investigate the production of an ebook — I have learned a lot in doing so. Should anyone be interested in the production of their own ebook then I recommend that you read my post TCWG — Amazon ebook.






The copyright © in the included stories is owned by the respective individual authors and they are reprinted here with their permission. No licence is given or implied for the further reprinting or republication of any included story.

TCWG — Ebook 23/1/2017

I am making some progress on an ebook (when the mood takes me) and as is noted elsewhere it is not that easy. Formatting the book is a problem and I am trying to avoid getting involved in html coding. Unfortunately it seems that any simple Epub/ebook will require the purchase of some software. Publishing a collection of each months entries as a pdf file would obviate this but would — perhaps — serve little purpose beyond what is already being done? Continue reading “TCWG — Ebook 23/1/2017”

On Going Digital — 11/1/2017

I have long thought of producing an ebook, thinking that it must be a relatively easy thing to do and I’m sure that it is. Certainly it would be to  my grandchildren but I’m afraid an innate failing of mine being a short term attention span, which now coupled with practically zero short term memory for things that I rapidly lose interest in, is making it a difficult task. Do read with a very large element of acceptance of my ignorance on going digital Continue reading “On Going Digital — 11/1/2017”